Call of Duty has been giving extraordinary games since 2003, but sometimes players have tough times with errors. Even the best shooter franchise games are not immune from these errors. Many players have reported that a very infamous error code is appearing on Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2, labelled as Goldflake.

As many errors are mostly related to server or connection status, so is the Goldflake error. This error mostly occurs due to bad connections between either of them. There are chances of a connection issue from your side, but most cases are from the game servers. Almost all PC and console users are affected by this error.

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Fix: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 Goldflake Error

In this guide, we have listed a few ways that have helped many players eradicate the Goldflake error. However, the error is caused by an overpopulation of players in lobbies and game plays in newly released titles. The methods may not be a permanent solution, and errors would come back at any time. But it is always good to try it, so let’s dive into it.

Method 1: Using a Free VPN

VPNs can be the best tool or software for handling server issues. Using a VPN will route your connection through another fast and less overcrowded server that will eventually eradicate the Goldflake error. The steps are as follows:

  • Go to the Internet and search for a free VPN.
  • Download and install it, and give it the required permissions.
  • Now connect to a server that has a lower ping.
  • Launch the app. Log in with your credentials.
  • Finally, select Warzone 2, eventually launch it, and you are good to go.

This method has worked mostly for all the players at this time.

Method 2: Restarting Console or PC

Restarting is considered the best and most effective way to solve any error. Restarting your device deletes temporary caches that might create problems with the proper functioning of the game. If the above-listed methods do not work, you should try this method. The steps are too simple and are as follows:

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  • Close all the applications or Modern Warfare 2 on your PC/Console.
  • Now, press restart and let the device reboot; any interruptions may cause the device to malfunction.
  • Finally, Launch Modern Warfare 2.

Method 3: Contact the Activision support team

These errors vary from time to time and mainly depend on the time you access the game. If all the above methods do not work for you, then you should contact the Activision support team and briefly describe the errors you are facing while accessing or playing the Modern Warfare 2 game. These steps are as follows:

  • Launch the app.

  • Navigate to the “Help” section under the Ribbon tab.

  • Expand the “Help” section and click on support.

  • Finally, describe your issue briefly, and you are good to go.

Note: Make sure you run the game using a wired connection, as they offer less ping, and refrain from playing the game during rush hour.


There are maximum chances that these methods will eradicate the Goldflake error in Modern Warfare 2 from now on, but the methods might not work every time. As mentioned above, this is a server issue that has to be fixed by the Warzone 2.0 developers, so give it some time until it stabilizes for the best gameplay possible, as Call of Duty is known for.

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